Sometimes Stalone disguises himself into a ball of fluffy something, like so:
Seriously, can you recognize a cat in this?..
Sometimes Stalone disguises himself into a ball of fluffy something, like so:
Seriously, can you recognize a cat in this?..
...Or at least Shiva tries to prove that to be true...
And here Shiva tries to master the role of Schrödinger's Cat:
There was a myth that sometimes Stalone is awake, now we have documents to prove it:
And sometimes not so much...
Shorter version of "Shiva and Water" encounter, more visible action with paws and such: she actually tries to catch water drops with her paws :)
You may be thinking that it is working time, but Stalone have different point of view: according to him any time can be a napping time. I think I need to buy a sleep monitor for him to see how much he actually sleeps in a day...
I think I post photos of sleeping Stalone endlessly. Yet somehow everyone of them seems to be different than others...
On the last one he seems asking: "What? Do you want to lay on that bed too?.. What is wrong with you?!.."
As I mentioned before, Shiva discovered a bath tap and now nobody can use bath without Shiva's approval... So here is a short video on the topic:
With an hour leap forward in time over the weekend, all I want to do is sleep. Unfortunately I can't sleep during the day being at work, but Shiva can, and she does it perfectly, probably much better than I would:
Just a random picture of Shiva on her bird watching post:
Cats are fascinated by amount of birds outside these days, they barely have time to eat.